ATP (single and multi-engine land), 11 time Master Instructor Designation with both NAFI and SAFE, CFII and MEI (Gold Seal), CE525S (Citation), Advanced and Instrument Ground Instructor.
Total Flight Time: 12,746 Hours
Total Instructing Time: 6,986 Hours
Total Mooney Instructing: 5,688 Hours
Total Mooney Time: 10,827 Hours
Other: MAPA Safety Foundation PPP instructor (both standard and mountain flying); Old FAA Wings Phase XV; New FAA Wings Program (Basic Phase 17, Advanced Phase 12); Former FAASTeam Representative; USAIG in
Total Flight Time: 12,746 Hours
Total Instructing Time: 6,986 Hours
Total Mooney Instructing: 5,688 Hours
Total Mooney Time: 10,827 Hours
Other: MAPA Safety Foundation PPP instructor (both standard and mountain flying); Old FAA Wings Phase XV; New FAA Wings Program (Basic Phase 17, Advanced Phase 12); Former FAASTeam Representative; USAIG insurance qualified for Mooney Specific Training; MooneyPros Instructor giving Moooney Specific Training to new Mooney Owners; Recipient of the Wright Brothers “Master Pilot” Award; I’ve owned a Mooney M20M for 31 Years.